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I have tryed to get data from My Garmin 276C to my Mac, but without lock. Do anyone know if there is a secrete that l must know? I symply connect my Garmin to my Mac with an USB cable but no data.
Haven't tried this yet myself, but it could be what you're looking for... It's a Beta release from Garmin.

Thank you. Look in to it.
Been discussed many times on this forum..

More on interfacing Garmins to your Mac

In the case of the Garmin 276C you would want to use these two cables for NMEA (the standard for marine instrumentation) real-time plotting..
Error 404. Page not found. Typical.
Have already tryed serial cable but did not work. Do you have a solucion for that problem? do I need to bye an extra GPS. How about that equipment that is introduced on your web site for cars, is it usable for boats?
Make sure you have installed an OS X driver software for your USB to serial adapter and you select the correct port in the GPS panel Settings drawer. More here..