Full Version: AIS Transponders
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Am new to the forum, first post and all. Hi to everyone.

Have just set myself up with GPSNavX, Macbook and BU-353, Irish Maptech Charts. It is working well so far - very happy. Smile The next step is AIS.

Was interested to know if anyone has had experience with the current range of Class B AIS Transponders? I particularly like the look of the Digital Yacht AIT250 - Has anyone used it with a mac?

Thanks for any help.
FYI, the FCC has FINALLY approved Class B AIS in the US, with some minor caveats.
Hi Sean and bobbetter,
Glad Sean, that you've had success with Irish Charts.My Mac-mini is all primed up to do the same.Jim Innes has a collection of charts, . If you email him he will give you the server ULR and a log in and password.ULR seems to change periodically!