Full Version: X-Traverse Uploader for Mac OS X
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X-Traverse Uploader for Mac OS X (10.4 or 10.5) is a simple and free utility that allows GPX or KML files to be dropped on it. When a KML or GPX file is dropped on X-Traverse Uploader for Mac OS X it is uploaded using the "Account" settings to In addition any waypoint group in MacENC or GPSNavX can be dropped on X-Traverse for Mac OS X and it will be uploaded as "waypoints.gpx" or a Route as "route.gpx". Once waypoints are uploaded, they can be downloaded in the iNavX iPhone app.

Download X-Traverse Uploader for Mac OS X
The X-Traverse Uploader (version 1.10) has been updated to allow the Solteknik Sweden waters marine charts to be activated and downloaded for use with GPSNavX or MacENC. You must have purchased a subscription to the charts at X-Traverse
New webpage for X-Traverse Mac OS X app..