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I am looking at the "Seafarer Charts" produced by Australian Hydrographic Survey. I understand that they use a format called Hydrographic Chart Raster Format (HCRF), which is a proprietary format for the UK, New Zealand and Australian Navies.

I understand that there is a dongle involved, and the resellers only know about XP and Vista.

Can these be read by GPSNavX or MacENC?
No, but I believe Passage Plus can use those charts. Check with them.
No doubt you already know this -- the entire NZMariner RNS raster chart catalog is now a free download - ditto updates. The HCRF format used is also used by UK Hydro for ARCS, so it is a very important format for world cruisers.

Are there any plans for MacENC GPSNavX to support HCRF?

FWIW: Maxsea V11 doesn't support NZ or AUS because they haven't done the encryption support. We use Endeavour from the Australian Navy for HCRF.

The "official word" from NZ Hydro is:

NZMariner has been produced on CD-ROM in encrypted Hydrographic Chart Raster Format (HCRF) v2.00. This format is also used by the United Kingdom Hydrographic Offices' ARCS, (Admiralty Raster Chart Service) and Australian Hydrographic Services' Seafarer products. This compatibility allows mariners to utilise these global services outside of New Zealand waters.