Full Version: GRIB weather forecasts on iPhone
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iNavX 1.2.0 (expected to be available in the next couple weeks) supports the download, import and display of GRIB files. Here is a pre-release screen shot..

Like the charts, the GRIB files are cached and be displayed until the user deletes them from iNavX.

looking forward to the update!! I am running MacEnc on my Laptop as well as InavX on my Iphone, will it be possible to transfer the GRIB file from your iphone to MacEnc on the laptop??? scenario: cruising around Lake Ontario, I still get 3G service close to shore but only get free wifi at a handful of yacht clubs and marinas, when you dock. would be nice to be able to update the GRIB files from iphone and transfer them to Mac Enc.


Holy Cow! This is very very exciting, ... dream come true stuff..
iNavX 1.2.0 with GRIB support is now available in the United States, Canada, Denmark, Finland, France,Germany and Sweden iTunes store.

iNavX 2.0.0 will be next with many more charts/maps available.
Thanks for the addition of GRIB, I can download them without a problem, but how do I remove then, the Forecast screen shows a number of GRIB's but I can see any way of removing them.
Select one of the GRIB(s) and press the "Trash Can" button.

More Here
Another Duh moment for me!
Ok what's the curious little arrow for on the bottom of the chart screen next to the scale?
The arrow points to North on the chart. Most charts are North Up, but a couple dozen are not. And we plan to support course up display very soon at which point the arrow would change as the chart rotates.
This GRIB download worked once - on the day I bought the app, but has never worked since. I just get a message that says 'No GRIBs to Import'.
I apologize for the GRIB request not working at this time. Fugawi just recently updated the x-traverse website and it appears this has broken the GRIB request. I have made them aware of this.
X-Traverse GRIB function is now back up and running. I apologize for this disruption in service.

New guy here - I'm having the same problem as the other guy before. I have been requesting GRIBs but when I select "Import GRIB" I'm getting the "No GRIBs to Import" message.

I've also have the Forward GRIB notifications set to "On" in my settings and am not getting emails.

BTW - awesome program!

- Billy

It appears as the free SailDocs GRIB Server is down. As soon as that changes I will post an update here.
SailDocs is back up and running so the GRIB function in iNavX is also now back up and working.