I have a Brookhouse AIS-C mux, all associated PL2303 OS-X 10.5.6 drivers, and a Powerbook. I cannot connect to the mux using Terminal and Brookhouse's connectivity instructions (power up the mux while Terminal is active and while holding down the ESC key). Wout Beekhuizen of Brookhouse can't help (!) because he's "...not a Mac specialist and this goes beyond my expertise..." Can anyone else help?
Bob Cross
Are you connecting via the RS-232 port and a USB to serial converter, or directly to the USB port? If it's direct, does anything show up under USB when you open the System Profiler?
Make sure the Mux is connected BEFORE starting GPSNavX or MacENC. Then select it the port USBSerial and rate (4800 for GPS, 38400 for AIS) in the GPS panel Settings drawer. Select "Use GPS Port" in the "AIS" panel Settings drawer.
All covered in the MacENC or GPSNavX help accessed via the "Help" menu.
The connection is via USB - the serial converter is built in to the mux. The mux shows up in system profiler just fine. What I need are the key strokes to enable Terminal to connect to the mux.