Full Version: Canadian Charts & iNavX
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I thought I'd pass on some information I learned about the availability of Navionics Canadian Charts for use with the iNavX. I had noticed that Navionics was offering all their S.p.A. Gold series Canadian charts for download via the app store, but their equivalent XG series charts where not showing up for purchase on X-traverse. When I emailed Navionics about this they said, yes, they are coming, and I might want contact X-traverse for a time frame. X-traverse replied that, no, they are not coming, as they have had to suspend sales of Navionics products that contained Canadian Hydrographic Service (CHS) data, and referred me to the CHS website if I had further questions.

So, for now, it looks like CHS has put the kibosh on the use of anything put their significantly more expensive raster charts (which are available on X-traverse) for use with iNavX.
