Full Version: Do GPSNavX work with eXplorist series
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Do GPSNavX work with Magellan eXplorist series in general and with XL in particular?

Have anyone tested any of the eXplorist GPSrs with MacOSX and/or GPSNavX?

I'm agonize over the decision to buy either the old Meridian Platinum, the new eXplorist XL or the (even) newer Garmin 76cx. I'll mainly be using the device while sailing as a backup for my paper charts (have not bought the GPSNavX yet, to afraid to destroy my PowerBook while sailing) and to be able to know my exact position while sailing between southern part of Sweden and Denmark during the summer season.

What I have heard, it's especially useful to have a GPS when caught in dense fog at sea. Could be a lifesaver I have been told.