Full Version: Installing Updated NOAA Raster Charts
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I finally had a decent wifi connection so downloaded a complete set of NOAA charts. The ENCs installed well, but am having problems with the raster charts. I downloaded a zip file for each CG district but when unzipped each chart is in a separate folder. I tried adding the root folder but MacENC wouldn't allow it, saying something like there are no charts in the folder. There were but they were all in sub-folders.

Does all this mean I need to copy all the charts to a single folder? This seems exceedingly tedious, or is there a simple way or a workaround? I DID read the documentation but didn't find anything clearly about this.

Yes, there is a very easy way. Use Spotlight to find all the new .KAP files, then drag them to your "Charts" folder. Use the "Add Charts Folder..." button to select the "Charts" folder.

.... Or learn the unzip command in terminal and find the command to extract the contents of the zip into just one folder. "man unzip" in terminal will provide more details.

then drag them to your "Charts" folder. Use the "Add Charts Folder..." button to select the "Charts" folder.


Would you please try this again, slowly, in english? I am also trying to update both raster and vector charts from NOAA and find the instructions to be less than illuminating. Thanks.
I have added a new topic to the "Tips and Tricks" section describing updating the NOAA ENC vector charts.

The NOAA RNC raster charts are a bit more tricky because the ZIP file that downloads from NOAA has each chart in a separate folder. One has to use either Spotlight (built into Mac OS X) or be familiar with the Terminal unzip command to put the charts (.KAP files) into one folder that MacENC can use via the "Add Charts Folder..." in the Chart Manager.
Thanks. Hadn't thought of the Spotlight trick but it worked just fine.
