Full Version: using multiple charts (quilting)
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Good day to all,

I'm brand new to the forum, mac and macENC all in one !

I am trying to lay off a route that uses up to 12 different charts.

My question is :
Is it possible to quilt multiple charts using macENC ?

Thanks for reading !

MacENC quilts vector charts such as the ENCs and Navionics. MacENC will automatically choose the best raster chart to fill the screen assuming both "Raster" on the "View" menu is checked and "Automatic" is selected on the Chart context menu. More info in the MacENC help accessed on the "help" menu.

Thank you GPSNavX !

Could you explain further about the 'Chart context menu'? I cannot locate it.


Larry H
Ctrl+clic (or right clic) within chart


I did not know about the right click function.

Larry H
Most Mac OS X applications have [right] or [control] click context menus.