Full Version: How to use navinics charts with iNavx??
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I downloaded iNavx and a navionics chartfolder to my iphone 3Gs,
but the chatfolder doesn't show in the iNavx chart library. What do I have to do, to add those charts in oder to use them for navigation? Could somebody help me? I would be very thankful for any advice.
Are you sure you have followed the steps of this document ?
Navionics FAQ
Have a special look at the second question of the FAQ.
Thank you for your hint. I wasn't aware, that one cant use navionic charts bought at the app store, in order to use iNax along with them. So it was a false investment!!!
I now learned, that one has to buy them thru xtravers.
This means to buy an account first and then the charts.

I wished I knew before.
I purchased the Navionics chart for the East Coast region this summer for use with iNavX on my 16Gb iPhone 3G (not 3Gs). It runs so slowly that I never use it. I just the NOAA raster charts. Another issue is when ever I launch the Navionics chart it opens at minimum zoom and takes quite a while to "pinch...wait..redraw...pinch...wait...redraw...etc" Is it possible to set the Navionics charts to automatically zoom in to a closer chart view?
Are you using iNavX 2.1.1? Sounds like you may have an older version.

iNavX will initially open the chart zoomed out, but when the same chart is opened again, the position and zoom is restored.

For reference iPhone 3GS is about 3X faster then iPhone 3G.
yes. that was on an older version of iNavx. I just tried it again. Thanks for the update! It is much more usable now. It still takes about 10-12 seconds to redraw a position on an old 3G machine, but I can accept that until I can buy an newer device.