I've managed to have the mac mini link via Wi-Fi ad-hoc to the iTouch 8GB running iNavx.The bluetooth Gps on the window ledge outside is recognised and in use by GPS Navx on the mac-mini.
Imagine I'm on a boat and I want to use the iTouch on deck with the position icon on the iNavx chart outside relayed over the wi-fi mentioned above.
I would like to know how to achieve this?Thanks if you can fill in the blank space in my head!

thanks for the prompt reply!
MacEnc installed GPS connected, host and server IP's in, enabled server button yellow lit,
in iNavx,ver 2.1.1, in setup button, only chart settings appear, cannot proceed
Any ideas?
My Ip provider servers is down tonight (o2.ie)
please use paulclan2(xyzremove)@gmail.com
Thanks,Paul :o
iNavX->Setup->TCP/IP NMEA will take you to the correct screen.
Thanks GPSNavx,
All seems ok now.Have blue arrow white centre on iNavx on iTouch and also via TCP/IP on a Nokia 770 to Maemo-Mapper,a topo application.
The client tick square seems reluctant to accept a command.
Why is this?
No other talkers connected except GPS.

Now to look at the Furuno 1623 stand alone radar manual to see the options.[color:blue][/color]
Your Mac is the server running MacENC so it makes no sense to click the client check box. Only if you had a second Mac running MacENC would it be the client just as iNavX is the client. One server (MacENC) -> one or many clients (i.e. iNavX, MacENC, etc.).
It is going to be a bit of a struggle to get the charts to match up with the iTouch if I do not feel like shelling out $329 for a single folio.I was under the impression that a seconds user licence would be granted for the parent mac-mini. I use the Med as well as UK/Ireland so the bill would be ridiculously big.I hope to find away around this bearing in mind that the main idea was to have the charts referenced to the same datum of WGS84.Using scanned charts may introduce unwanted errors of position.Such a minefield for the consumer, that is outside the countries which use taxpayers money to give away the charts!
Navionics has a different pricing structure for "mobile" then it does for chart plotters or Mac or PC. I believe they see "mobile" as more promotional. I do wish they would allow more then one installation though as most other chart providers allow for.
As far as Datums go, both iNavX and MacENC automatically work in WGS84 regardless of the original chart data.