Full Version: PolarView/PolarCOM 1.2 is released
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Dear all,

Version 1.2 of our products has been released. This is a significant maintenance release that should resolve a number of user-reported issues. This version is a recommended update.

For a partial list of fixes see our changelog here:

This release also brings Linux versions up to date, in case you were wondering about that Wink

As always, download from
Of course I forgot to mention the most important point (d-oh).

The new release (1.2) is a Universal Binary with native support for both Intel-based as well as PowerPC (G4) Macs.

Due to (somewhat obvious) reasons of processor improvements and Intel optimization the performance of our applications on PowerPC may not be the same as that on it's Intel counterpart.

In any case, if you've asked about PowerPC support before - please download and try it out. Let me know what you think.