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I use my iPhone with iNavX connected to MacENC via TCP/IP on the boat. It is also usually hard wired and sitting on the Nav Station table. When I need it "remotely" it's for limited periods of time so battery life isn't really an issue for me. Not having to restart apps anytime I go from one to another would be helpful and a 4G with multi-tasking would for sure replace my 3G and maybe push me into an iPad.

I'm curious as to how others practice iPhone battery management aboard?
Well, there ya go! Looks like Multi-Tasking is here.
The only caveat is that apps must be built specifically to take advantage of iPhone OS 4.0 multitasking and that multitasking will only work on iPhone 3Gs and newer devices. Won't come to iPad until fall. Still a fantastic leap forward.
So can we assume that iNavX will take advantage of it?
I remember when the first BETA 3.0 came out and some installed it on their daily use phones only to have significant compatibility issues...

Not a developer and thinking of going to 4.0? Think twice!
Here's a good article about multitasking on iPhone OS4 vs. Android and why Apple choose the way it implemented multitasking.
iOS 4 should be available tomorrow (06/21/2010). Only apps that are specifically built for iOS 4 can take advantage of the multitasking or fast app switching. iNavX 3.1.0 and later will support this feature.
OS 4 is not really multi-tasking as I would know it. More like faster app switching back to were you left off. Some apps will multi-task, mainly the apple apps, I've yet to find one of mine that is multi-tasking, maybe I'm just unlucky.
Only apps built for iOS 4 AND enabled for specific background tasks (i.e audio streaming) are truly multitasking.

Most apps will be just fine with Fast App switching (suspended when exited), but they have to be re-submitted to Apple to support this. I believe Apple has done a very good job with this. Looking forward to iOS 4 on iPad.