Change from Official ENC to Navionics - Printable Version

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- Ron - April 15, 2010

This weekend I will change from Official Australian ENC charts to Navionics Australian waters (32XG). After buying and downloading Navionics from X-Traverse, what is the procedure?

Specifically, do I delete the existing cells? Two of them cover the NE and SE Indian Ocean with, I think, more coverage than Navionics. Can I leave these two cells in the Chart Manager with the Navionics cells?

On a different tack; I have MacBook, 10.5.8, Core 2 Duo, 2.16 GHz, 4 MB L2 Cache, 2.5GB of memory, 148GB hard drive with 71GB available. When I first loaded the eleven Official ENC cells a couple of years ago, MacENS opened and all the charts appeared very quickly. Now it takes around 10 seconds or more. Why is it so and can I speed it up?



- FF44 - April 15, 2010

Quote:Specifically, do I delete the existing cells?
Not at all : you may have as many ENC chart catalogues and raster or Navionics chart folders in the Chart Manager as you need. In MacENC, you may switch, for the same area, between ENC, raster or Navionics in the View menu.
Quote:Can I leave these two cells in the Chart Manager with the Navionics cells?
ENC cells are in ENC_ROOT catalogue, Navionics region has his own folder, both in Chart Manager.
About your last question, I did notice a lower speed for launch ENC cells since last release. Wait for the gpsnavx answer...

- GPSNavX - April 15, 2010

You can leave the ENCs in the Chart Manager. Once the Navionics charts are purchased, activated and downloaded following this procedure ..

Follow these steps to use the Navionics charts in MacENC (version 7.40) ..

Possibly an explanation for the slower MacENC start up time is a large track log. Try "Delete All" on the "Track" menu.

- Ron - April 15, 2010

Thank you to both FF44 and GPSNavX.

I deleted the Tracks and halved the load time.