Fusion or Parallels for Windows - Printable Version

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- larryr - August 19, 2010

Hi, I am new to Mac and trying to decide on a virtual windows app for, at least, pactor modem interface. Any suggestions as to what program is better at handling serial to usb and keeping windows isolated from Mac files?

- jagasail - August 19, 2010

I've used sailmail with both Fusion and Parallels with no problem once the serial/usb connection is established. Recall there was some sort us serial utility required on the Mac but pretty simple, and well documented on sailmail's site. If sailmail is your primary win app it's really a tossup. They both have (or at least had) trial versions you could download for free and try it out. My biggest gripe is I had to purchase a copy of winds in addition to Fusion or Parallels, so it's not particularly cheap.

I now use a cheap netbook instead for sailmail, and an iPad for nav. The macs, and most other laptops, just consume too much power for extended cruising IMHO.


- larryr - August 19, 2010

Thanks for the reply. Buying windows is a unpleasant expenditure. Power budget for electronics is always a compromise...I used to hibernate windows running Cap'n when offshore and leave it on in close quarters. I will be interested in finding out how macs and nav programs deal with sleep mode xp was quite iffy.

- jonnyquest - September 3, 2010

I have found that all of the virtual windows apps have their own little quirks, so for the money (free!) give Virtual Box a try. A free app produced by Oracle:

Only thing I cant figure out is drag and drop between environments, though it is supposed to have it.

Then you can try out apps like SeaClear II (another free one) with no out of pocket costs.