GPSNavX,INavX, Navionics HD - Printable Version

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- yachtbreeze - March 19, 2012


We are new to the forum and so if this has been answered a thousand times before forgive us.

We have just bought an iPad3 and want to install some navigation software for use on our 40 foot sailing boat.

We have a Raymarine installation providing chartplotter, radar, AIS etc. and so the iPad navigation is a chart-table supplement.

There appear to be three options: iNavX, GPSNavX and Navionics HD.

Which is best for our application?

Does one app do more than the others?

the iPad will be used in Europe.

Many thanks in anticipation.

Trevor & Jo.

- GPSNavX - March 19, 2012

There are at least a dozen marine navigation applications. Each has unique features. None are so high priced that one needs to only choose one.

- antipole - March 19, 2012

Hello Trevor & Jo... welcome to the group.

I have a Mac running MacENC and iPhone with iNavX, and have just purchased an iPad 3 for cockpit use, which will run iNavX. I can thoroughly recommend it. GPSNavX runs on a Mac, not under iOS, so is not relevant. I am in Europe and use the Navionics charts, and find them excellent.

I have no marine plotter, and am not sure how you get data from your Raymarine system, but I guess there are others on this forum who can advise on compatibility issues.

Best of luck, Tony

- Eclipsemullet - March 20, 2012

I would recommend iPad3 with iNavX, due to low power consumption.


- yachtbreeze - March 20, 2012

Hi. We are new to this forum so apologies if this has been asked and answered many times before but we've not found a similar posting.

We have a new iPad3 which which we wish to use at the chart table. We have a full Raymarine nav installation which is in the cockpit. The iPad is by way of back-up and planning.

It appears there are three front runners for nav software: iNavX, GPSNavX and the new Navionics HD.

We are finding it quite difficult to obtain unbiased reviews of the three packages and so come to a decision on which to buy. Our Raymarine system uses Navionics cartography.

What wold you choose and why?

Many thanks.

Trevor & Jo.

- cnojek - March 20, 2012

INAVX is for Ipad/Iphone and GPSNAVX is for Mac computers, both are navigation software. Navionics HD are charts to be viewed on iPads

- GPSNavX - March 20, 2012


- g3vhb - May 3, 2012

I am going to get an ipad-3 , just wondering how much memory would be sufficient for marine apps plus charts that most are using these days?

- GPSNavX - May 3, 2012

I recommend the 32GB iPad 4G at a minimum.