Waypoints Transfer -> Garmin - Printable Version

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- iquik - July 3, 2008

I have MacENC connected via a MiniPlex-42BT towards a GARMIN 128 GPS. Every time I try to transfer waypoints, only a couple (10 or so) of the waypoints gets transferred to the GPS.

With the MiniPlex tool I tried several settings, but I can't figure out how I can improve this. Does anybody know what I can doe?

Kind regards,

- GPSNavX - July 3, 2008

Confirm that you have set the 'Type' in the MacENC GPS panel Settings drawer to 'Other', as the Miniplex does not understand GARMIN transfer mode. So the NMEA message $GPWPL is used for the waypoint transfer when 'Other' is selected.

- iquik - July 3, 2008

Yes, I have set it to "Other". All other information comes over well.

- Jade - July 4, 2008

Hi Igor,

I had similar symptoms when downloading waypoints to my Furuno GPS. It would hang after reading only 10 or so waypoints. It turned out that my GPS required an End of File record ($PFEC,GPxfr,CTL,E) inserted as the last record in the waypoints file. I don't know if this will help but you may want to check your unit's documentation for something similar.

- iquik - July 5, 2008

My GPS doesn't hang. It reacts like it is very happy, but it seams like it doesn't know that MacENC sent many more waypoints.

I checked the manual and browsed the internet, but couldn't find anything on the PFEC sentence. If that sentence would be needed for the Garmin 128, how would I be able to send that over from MacENC?

Kind regards,

- Jade - July 5, 2008

Hi Igor,

I don't use MacENC to send the waypoints directly to my GPS as I never got that working correctly.

Instead, I transfer the waypoints from MacENC to a CSV (text) file. Next, I use Excel or Numbers to reformat the columns in the CSV file to a format that is recognized by the GPS. This is where I append the End of File record. Then I use the MiniPlex application that GPSNavX wrote to send the reformated CSV file to the GPS. The reformatting step takes some work but does create a usable backup file for the GPS when its memory is lost (which happens to me occasionally). (You may want to look at if you would like to automate the reformatting task for your needs.)

- GPSNavX - July 5, 2008

When the type is set to 'Other' in the GPS panel Settings drawer, the $GPWPL NMEA message is sent for each waypoint. There is no end of transfer needed. I suspect there is a flow control issue here. That is the GPS is not sending the software flow control (XOFF/XON) telling MacENC to pause sending the waypoints.

- Jade - July 5, 2008

I doubt that it is a flow control issue since the GPS receives the entire csv file sent using MiniPlex (and other terminal applications). What the Furuno GPS requires is a Ctrl E to terminate the transfer.

- Jade - July 6, 2008


When you transfer the waypoints from MacENC to your Garmin, does the red LED (data overflow) on the ShipModul MiniPlex flicker at all during the transfer?

- iquik - July 6, 2008

Yes, the red led does a lot of work showing his presence.


- iquik - July 6, 2008

How can I get the GPS to send the XOFF/XON?

- Jade - July 6, 2008

If the Rate is set to anything higher than 4800 in the GPS Settings panel, first try lowering it.

- iquik - July 8, 2008

Thanks Jade. The rate is all the way down to 4800, on all machines.


- Jade - July 8, 2008

If you are still getting data overflow (red LED) at 4800, then the only thing I can suggest is to set the channel with the GPS (usually channel 1) to 'RealTime' mode using the MiniPlex application before trying to transfer the waypoints.

P.S. When you get this working, please write down your settings and let us know what they are Wink

- GPSNavX - July 8, 2008

I am using a Shipmodul MiniPlex42-BT with a Garmin GPSMap175 and I have no trouble transfering over a 100 waypoints via the GPWPL (Other) protocol. I do not see the overflow LED come on.

- Jade - July 8, 2008

Hi Rich,

Just to cross check with Igor, how did you wire the RD (receive data) and Ground wires of the GPS to the MiniPlex?

And which mode (Hub, Server, or Auto) are you using?

- GPSNavX - July 8, 2008

I use Server Mode. Although the mode should not matter. The Garmin GPSMap175 is connected to 1A and 1B of the Shipmodul Miniplex-42BT respectively.

While MacENC should filter the GPS Waypoint names before sending them via the $GPWPL message, I would make sure they a 6 characters long and no special punctuation.

- iquik - July 22, 2008

I have tried all modes. Now I have put the MiniPlex in "Auto mode". The connections I made are the following:
- GPS: 1a, 1b
- Raymarine (NMEA): 3a, 3b

- GPS: 1a, com (connected to 1b)
- Raymarine (NMEA): 2a, 2b


- iquik - August 3, 2008

I still didn't get it working, but I did some extra investigation. When the MiniPlex is in "Server" mode, no waypoints are passed at all. In "Hub" mode some waypoints come over. In both modes the "Overflow" LED is on all the time. On all systems the transmission rate is 4800.

If you have any idea please let me know.

Kind regards,

- iquik - August 12, 2008

GPSNavX Wrote:I am using a Shipmodul MiniPlex42-BT with a Garmin GPSMap175 and I have no trouble transfering over a 100 waypoints via the GPWPL (Other) protocol. I do not see the overflow LED come on.
How did you connect the IN port from the GPS to the MiniPlex? To which port?


- GPSNavX - August 12, 2008

The GPS in is connected to 1A and 1B of the mux. NMEA + or NMEA out from the GPS to 1A and NMEA - or return to to 1B.