Electronic Charts of the South Pacific - Printable Version

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- Pseudemys - October 28, 2008

We're intending to use MacENC and GPSNavX on our upcoming circumnavigation of the South Pacific (NZ, Cooks, Samoa, Tonga, Fiji, Vanuatu, New Caledonia etc).
I have some old BSB and NOS vector charts that cover parts of the area, but they are out of date and there are considerable gaps in coverage. However, when searching the web I can only find proprietary charts that need PC software or dongles, or charts covering coastal areas.
Can anybody suggest a vendor who sells charts of the South Pacific that are compatible with MacENC ?

- ginginsman - October 29, 2008

I just spent three weeks in French Polynesia, as far down as Pitcairn and up through the Marquesas, and used a Navionics chart I "rented" from Chartworld (you apparently cannot buy the chart from them, just an annual license). It worked beautifully and though we were on a 300' ship so I was not relying on it for navigation, it clearly showed all the navigation marks, passes, etc. which I could see. I asked Chartworld to give me a discount for non-commercial use and they offered 50%, which is a big deal as this stuff is not cheap. If you are a non-EU citizen they will also set your account up as a non-VAT-paying account. Contact me offlist if you need help with the Chartworld site. It took a while for them to get the security key part straight.

- GPSNavX - October 29, 2008

The guide to use ChartWorld charts with MacENC is


MacENC is compatible with Navionics and Official ENCs offered at chartworld.

Be sure to use the UserPermit displayed in the Chart Manager on the Mac you plan to use the charts on when you create the account at Chart World. Then you will not have any problem with the charts.