AIS/DSC Integration - Printable Version

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- adjuvantjfoster - January 3, 2009

From the Navagear site, comes this possibility. Is integration on this scale possible in some future version of MacENC?

Quote:AIS/DSC Integration: Why The Wait?
January 2nd, 2009 · by Tim Flanagan, Managing Editor

My friend Merv added a comment to a recent post on Class B AIS. He raises an important point:

So our newly acquired Class B AIS unit gives us the MMSI numbers and other information about vessels near us that we may well need to hail to agree on intentions, etc.

Now have you ever tried to input an MMSI # into your DSC radio while you are navigating? Particularly while you are navigating in fog or other difficult conditions when AIS, radar, etc. are intended to help.

Yes I have, and it's NEARLY IMPOSSIBLE. I'm squinting into a tiny screen that is bouncing around like crazy (if there's any breeze), and my fingers are fumbling the knob trying to dial in each digit. God help you if you make a mistake!

Since all these systems are linked by the miracles of modern electronic data busses, why can't I have a simple option on my chartplotter (like I have with the autopilot "Go to” function) which says "Call” the MMSI that I have highlighted with my cursor or which has showed up as an alarm?

Seems to me that trying to input an MMSI by turning knobs and pressing buttons while driving a boat is defeating the object of a very good safety device. It's probably about as bad as texting while driving a car.

Sure, I can simply put out a "public” call on 16 or bridge-bridge but why not use DSC and cut down on "chatter”??

Why, indeed? It has occurred to me before that the next "killer app” for modern mariners will be seamless, intuitive integration of all this technology and all these navigation and communication protocols.

I didn't come up with this on my own, by the way, it just became obvious to me while reading Panbo, particularly this post from November 2007.