Can't register Maptech companion CDs on Mac Book Pro? - Printable Version

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- Hank - April 12, 2009

Greetings. I have read some posts that provide guidance on registering windows-based Maptech Chart Kit Companion CDs on a mac, and found these directions:

I have a brand-new Mac Book Pro (lucky me), and three previously unopened chart kit companion cds, all purchased within the last year. I followed the instructions above, downloaded the "Register" application, and when it prompts me to insert a BSB4 or BSB5 chart, I insert the Maptech CD into the drive. It whirls for a moment, then Register gives me a message that "A BSB4 or BSB5 chart CD could not be located". Are the Maptech companion CDs not BSB4 or BSB5? Am I doing something wrong? Do I need to install VMWare Fusion and Windows and register them in Windows? If I do this, can I then access the charts in my Mac OSX?

Thanks in advance for any help...headed to the BVIs next Sunday and am anxious to get this working before I leave (without buying additional digital charts if possible).

- michimac - April 12, 2009

Insert the CD first, then start the register application.

- Hank - April 12, 2009

Thank you for the quick response, and Happy Easter!

I quit Register, put the CD in first, then launched Register, and got the same result..."A BSB4 or BSB5 chart CD could not be located".

Any other thoughts?

- GPSNavX - April 12, 2009

Yes, Maptech companion CDs are BSB 5. A BSB 4 or 5 CD will have a BSBChart folder on it and .CAP files in it. Open it up in Finder and see if those are present. Please contact us directly at gpsnavx at mac dot com.

- Hank - April 12, 2009

There are a lot of *.aes and *.oph files, but I cannot locate any *.cap files...

- Hank - April 12, 2009

Thanks, I just emailed you...appreciate the help!

- GPSNavX - April 12, 2009

That doesn't sound like a BSB 4/5 CD. I will need to check with Maptech on this.

- Hank - April 12, 2009

...OK so I am a dummy...these are NOT Maptech chart CDs...they are from

- GPSNavX - April 12, 2009

Yes you should be able to run the installer on Windows, then copy over the .KAP files to your Mac and GPSNavX can open those.

- Hank - April 12, 2009

Thanks GPSNaxV for your quick help via email, I will try to register my NV Digital charts ( through Windows, copy the .KAP files over, and let you know how it goes...

Best regards.

- Hank - April 12, 2009

I put the CD in another Windows computer, registered, then copied the *.KAP files over to my Mac Book, and was able to open them with MacENC. Thanks very much! Headed to your website to purchase the full program.



- Hank - April 12, 2009

Postscript - My third CD was actually a Maptech CD (Region 11.3), and the Register program works great. I now have all three companion CD charts opened in MacENC, and have purchased full version of MacENC. Thanks for the help!

- phauselm - April 19, 2009


I have a similar problem: I bought some years ago a Maptech disk of South Africa. They are all .cap files.

At the time they worked fine (with Fugawi on virtual PC). Now I have changed computer, navigation software, moved several times and I cannot open the files. How can I have the charts made usable from GPSnavX?

I also have .eap files that work on Fugawi, but seem not to be recognized by GPSnavX. Any solution?

Thanks in advance for your help


- GPSNavX - April 19, 2009

If you changed Macs then you will need to register the Maptech BSB 4 charts again. You will need to follow the BSB 4 registration guide as linked in the GPSNavX help (or above) securing a new activation code based on the installation id and product id.