Nexus NX2 input to MacENC ? - Printable Version

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- 2mdsailors - September 25, 2009

Hey Guys,

I have the Nexus NX2 server system on my Trimaran and can't get the NX2 to transmit data to the MacENC. I have the keyspan USB adapter. Data will come thru to the Nexus Nav suite if I run my version of XP thru Fusion.

I've researched the older post here on the forums, but nothing make sense?

Is it an output setting in the Nexus server? or the sequence of connections?


- GPSNavX - September 25, 2009

Make sure you have installed in the Keyspan adapter driver as linked here ..
(Be sure to unplug the adapter first)

I assume your NX2 has a GPS receiver connected

Plug in the Keyspan adapter
Restart MacENC
Select "Connect" on the "GPS" menu
Select "Settings"
Select Port: KeySerial1
Select Rate: 4800
Select Type: Other

In the Instruments panel "Settings" drawer make sure "Use GPS Port" is selected.

If all is well you will see the "UTC" field in the GPS panel update.

- 2mdsailors - September 25, 2009


I do have the Nexus GPS.

That's a different keyspan driver than what I had in the help section. I never did see a KeySerial port show up. I'll be by the boat this weekend to try again.

- GPSNavX - September 25, 2009

The KeySerial1 port gets created when the adapter is plugged in, but does require the driver to be installed.

- GPSNavX - September 25, 2009

The port may also have the name "USA19H1xxxx".

- 2mdsailors - September 26, 2009

I did get the time and speed to come over to the ENC GPS drawer, but no GPS location. I had repeat to the autopilot only box check and no difference un-checked.

Instruments were able to display the depth from the Nexus.

I read in one older post to turn off the Nexus navigator display, I don't see a way to do that in the the Nexus set up app under Fusion?


- GPSNavX - September 26, 2009

MacENC will display what ever NMEA data is receives, but you may have to configure the NX2 to send the needed NMEA data. You can open the "Monitor" drawer in the GPS panel and press "Start" to get a log of the NMEA data ..

- 2mdsailors - September 27, 2009


I did see the output string from the Nexus in the GPS draw. I'll need to sit down analyze what the Nexus is showing.

- GPSNavX - September 27, 2009

If you have wind instruments you may need to toggle the Apparent/True setting in the MacENC Preferences.

- 2mdsailors - September 30, 2009

Well 2 hours of trying last night and nothing from my Nexus unit to the MacENC. I did the new 7.2 update with the Keyspan drivers. Each time I had the Nexus transmitting to the NX2 sail performance software and disconnected, the server said it was back to FDX mode and to restart the server to change to the NEMA mode. I tried to open MacENC with the NX2 running in Fusion, no difference.

Now I don't even get the keyspan adapter to show as a choice. I'm running OSx10.5 not snow leopard.

The sequence of connection that I've tried is:

keyspan, instruments on, start XP (Fusion), Sailperf. (delay to see comm port3 to show as option) data transmitted

keyspan, instruments on, (wait) MacENC, no data.

instruments on, keyspan usb connect (not seen),no data.

????? (BTW no wind instruments)

- Catamount - September 30, 2009

You are remembering to "connect" to GPS (or instruments) after starting MacENC, right? (By this I mean, choosing "connect" from the GPS and/or Instruments menu.)

Note that you can set the preferences to "connect" to GPS (or instruments) on startup in the preference dialog.

- 2mdsailors - September 30, 2009

Yes I do have the "connect on start up" in the preferences checked. This seems more like a Nexus FDX problem then MacENC. I sent off an e-mail today to the N.America rep for Nexus in B.C. Canada. Dave there has a MacBook alson and said that he will work on my problem.

I'll keep every one posted.


- 2mdsailors - October 22, 2009


I discovered that the updated drivers for the keyspan serial adapter are for OS x 10.6, I'm still running 10.5.8. There is no uninstall on that driver set. After talking to Keyspan and Apple tech support, a re-install of the OS was done. Had success last night using the RS-232 out from the Nexus NX-2 into the MacENC. Finally, now I need to fix the XP registry that I messed up manually removing the driver thru fusion.


- GPSNavX - October 22, 2009

Glad you got it working.

Of note:

Drivers can be deleted from the Macintosh HD / System / Library / Extensions folder. Do be sure to disconnect the adapter or device before deleting the driver.

Installation of any version of a driver will overwrite the previous version. So one can go back to an older version of a driver.