GRIB files for offshore sailing, etc. with MacENC - Printable Version

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- RichH - October 7, 2009

Where can I find the ***BASICS*** of whats needed? Searched 15+ pages on this forum ..... and nada.
What services/subscriptions needed? Hardware needed? Can I download from SSB/Ham, etc. (without pactor modem, etc.)

Looking for ALL the means, 'toys' and gizmos, etc. needed to connect MacENC to get Wx when NOT 'online', etc. (.... and when online too).


- GPSNavX - October 7, 2009

Best option for at sea weather forecasts is an Iridium sat phone and XGate and MacWX.

- RichH - October 7, 2009

OK understand sat phone .... which is beyond my present budget.

Anyway to do this by direct downlink from SSB/Ham Dx? ... and without pactor?

- GPSNavX - October 7, 2009

I don't know anyway to get internet connectivity at sea without a sat phone or Pactor connected to HF radio.

- georgelewisray - October 7, 2009

Coastal sailing with cell antenna&amplifier and cell phone that will tether and provide iNet for a laptop.

- RichH - October 8, 2009

XM Wx uses CONUS and that although not 'global' would serve my most of my purposes for deep ocean sailing... and where XM has 'coverage'. Is there any way to get XM Wx onto my macintosh (and MacENC, etc.).


- Jim Innes - October 8, 2009

Hi RichH,

Have you looked at

All SSB connections at sea require a pactor modem (pactor III recommended).

- jagasail - October 9, 2009

Come on people - this is a no brainer with a simple Sony or similar shortwave portable radio, a cable to go between the earphone jack on the radio, and the mic jack on the laptop, and Black Cat System's Multimode software. This approach is discussed at length on the SSCA discussion board and has been used for years. With this you can download weatherfax and other data broadcast by NOAA.


- GPSNavX - October 9, 2009

Great suggestion with MultiMode for OS X, but it sounded like the original inquiry was for downloading GRIB files while offshore that could be used in MacENC.