"Home Port" in ENC? - Printable Version

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- Penceler - February 25, 2010

The feature I miss the most from Nobeltec is the "home port" feature. This allowed you to enter a lat/Lon for your home port and easily move the boat to that position. It was very useful when plotting new routes without a GPS attached as you could always center the chart on your starting point. Let's face it, its easy to get "lost" on a chart when working with a small slice of it. Not to mention that scrolling charts on a laptop isn't always the fastest thing in the universe.

Any chance this feature is in the plans for a future a release?

- GPSNavX - February 25, 2010

Create a waypoint called "home". You can then select it in the Waypoints window and press [scroll to] button. You could even create a new group called "home" to place the "home" waypoint in. Also once you have a "home" waypoint, you can use the GPS Simulator and select the "home" waypoint.

- Penceler - February 25, 2010

Yes, I see that but it's still multiple key strokes. What I'd really like to see is a single click Icon.



- GPSNavX - February 25, 2010

I have an idea. I could reuse the [^] button on the MacENC toolbar to scroll to the "home" waypoint IF there is no GPS connected (i.e connect on the "GPS" menu). Normally this button is used to tell MacENC to scroll the chart back to the GPS position. Let me know if that would work for you. Because of the limited screen real-estate Mac laptops have I really try to limit filling the screen up with one trick pony buttons. Instead choosing to maximize the screen for the chart. This is contrary to just about every other MS Windows marine navigation application that seems to take up every edge of the chart with buttons.

- Penceler - February 25, 2010

That would be great! To make it more generic, you could make it go to the first waypoint in the (all) list. Ok, I would have to name the waypoint A Home or some such thing. Simply put, if no active waypoint center on first in list?

You're right, once a GPS is connected you're typically not in the plan mode and don't need this function.

I agree on your button position. It takes up real estate and is very daunting at times. Perhaps 1 or 2 user definable buttons? A script type functionality like an Excel macro?

Thanks again


- jagasail - February 26, 2010

One more vote for the 'home port' button. I too have experienced John's frustration and would appreciate this addition!


- ghechtman - March 5, 2010

Another vote for the "own ship" button, as long as it is easy to change.. could this also have the option of being "last known position" for us cruisers whose home port may change daily?

- GPSNavX - March 5, 2010

There is an own ship button already "[^]" on the toolbar which will center chart back to GPS position. For the next release will be extended to show a pop up menu with "Position" and waypoints from selected waypoint group. So one can have a "Home" waypoint if they want to scroll chart back to some fixed position.