Mac Enc, Furuno GP-32 GPS and Ship Modul Multiplexer - Printable Version

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- Alastair - July 1, 2011

Has anyone else got this set up who could tell me why I cannot transfer my waypoints form my Mac Enc to the GPS. I go through the transfer window and that confirms that it see the GPS and says it is sending the waypoints. Indeed the Furuno also seems to play its part because it clears off all its existing waypoint information.Unfortunately instead of seeing all the new way points in the waypoint list I see nothing.

Is it a matter of languages in which case what should the settings be ?

- Jade - July 1, 2011

Yes, I have the same setup and the same problem. I found that the Furuno GP-32 requires a "control-E" sentence ($PFEC,GPxfr,CTL,E*59) at the end of the waypoints to properly terminate the transfer.

Instead of using MacENC, I store the waypoints as a file on my Mac and use the MiniPlex Configuration Tool application to load the waypoints. (See the procedure below.)

Loading Waypoints to Furuno GP-32 using MiniPlex-42USB

1. Set the GP-32 into "Load Wpt/Rte from PC" mode.

2. Use MiniPlex application with the following settings:
Port: /dev/cu.usbserial-!
Rate: 4800
Mode: Server

3. Click "Send File..."

4. Select data file containing waypoints and routes

5. Note: the transmission takes several minutes during which the Data LED on the MiniPlex flashes intermittently.

P.S. You can also check your setup using an article on FF4's blog Navigation Mac:

- Alastair - July 1, 2011

Wonderful I will have a go at that thanks very much I will let you know how it works

- Jade - July 1, 2011


I forgot to mention that, if you want to upload the waypoints as a file from the GPS to your Mac, you will need an application that can read a serial device. There are several applications available on the net to do this; PortTerm is one:

- Alastair - July 1, 2011

OK that perhaps would account for the lack of success! I have a keyspan device here with me on the boat so i think I will set up a separate connection to the GPS for just the up loading of waypoints and then go back to the multiplexer connection to use as the link to all the instruments and pilot.

Will play with this for a bit and again let you now how it works.

- Jade - July 1, 2011

You should be able to do it all with one connection through the Multiplexer. Which Shipmodul unit do you have?

- Alastair - July 1, 2011

I have the Miniplex- USB- AIS

It currently talks to the Mac OK and is the link between my TackticK Instruments and my Raymarine Pilot

- Jade - July 1, 2011


If you don't have any luck with it, send me your waypoints (transferred to a GPX file from MacENC) and I will try to convert them to the Furuno format for you.

- Alastair - July 1, 2011

Thanks very much the only trouble is in all my messing around today I have removed them all !

No great drama but perhaps I could take you up on this offer in a few days time.

In all honesty I think I will call a halt to all this and just put in the way points to the GPS I need manually. I can then get on with sailing.

- Jade - July 1, 2011

I sent you my email address in a private message (My Fusion at top left of this forum). Drop me a line whenever you like.

Maybe others here will have a different solution for this.