MacENC Enhancements - CALLING ALL USERS - Printable Version

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- antipole - June 13, 2013

I rely on MacENC running on my MacBook at the chart table and sending data to iNavX on my iPad at the wheel station. It is an excellent combination. But there are a number of enhancements I wish for in MacENC. Rich has indicated to me that sales of MacENC do not warrant his energy.

It occurs to me that there may well be users of MacENC out there wanting enhancements and willing to pay towards them - perhaps a mandate for a paid upgrade or a 'plus' version might motivate Rich?

So... please will users of MacENC wanting enhancements please add their voice to this post.

I include my priority wish-list (I have already shared with Rich technical details). Please indicate your support for these or add your own wants.

I hope we can get MacENC out of maintenance mode.

(1) Output waypoint/route data to NMEA2000 via Actisense (Priority very high)
Navigational data, such as distance and bearing to next waypoint, are not available to NMEA2000 connected devices – in my case the instrument displays at the wheel station. This leads to repeated journeys to the nav station below, often traipsing in wet etc. It also means the auto-pilot cannot steer to the waypoint.
Transmit computed course data through Actisense gateway

(2) Enhanced annotation capabilities (Priority high)
Plotting positions on charts from sightings or radar needs additional capability to draw bearing lines or range arcs/rings.
When laying down a line annotation, the position displayed at the cursor should include the distance and bearing, exactly as it does when using the distance and bearing tool. That way a line of a given bearing can be drawn. Ideally, holding down a key should flip the displayed bearing by 180 degrees, so that it is easy to draw a line from a landmark, given the sighted bearing to it. An option to switch the displayed bearing between True and Magnetic would be useful too.
For plotting position from radar distance measurements, a third annotation mode of arc is needed, whereby an arc can be draw a chosen distance from a chart point by dragging from that point. The angle of the arc could be fixed at, say, 30º or set in preferences.

(3) Intelligent track recording (Priority high)
If you examine one of my tracks, you will see oddities such as us cutting across headlands or piers. This arises because, in order to avoid being overwhelmed by track point records, I set the track recording interval to, say, 90 seconds, which is reasonable when out at sea, but when manoeuvring in harbour that is far too long. Another problem is that several points are recorded before we leave our mooring or after we drop anchor, and the tracks need to be topped and tailed.
In my opinion we need a more intelligent recording decision, which should
avoid recording multiple points when stationary or becalmed
record less frequently when on a straight passage
more frequently when manoeuvring

I suggest an algorithm like this:
every 10 seconds <or whatever>
if ({distance from last trackpoint} > {minimum distance} then
if ({change in CMG since last point} > 15°) or ({distance from last trackpoint} > {maximum distance}) then record track point
end if

Using this, when on a reasonably straight course recording would be at the maximum distance. When changing course a track point would be recorded. When at rest or swinging on an anchor only one point would be recorded.

(4) Sail-timer stop/start
Once sail-timer has been started, there seems to be no way to stop it, short of cancelling the Goto. I then have to open the route window and select the appropriate next waypoint to goto. The route displayed is then from that point rather from the original one or last passed waypoint.
Once sail-timer has been started, the Start button should become Stop. Stopping sail-timer should remove the sail-timer-created waypoints, leaving the pre-existing waypoint or route active.

(5) Sail-timer tack/gype
Under some conditions, sail-timer flips frequently between the two possible tacks/gybes. While this is not in itself a big problem (it is quite useful to see what the other tack/gype would bring), it is a problem because the changed Stayline is repeatedly sent out to iNavX, which displays a STAYLINE Activated message every couple of seconds. This can make the display unusable. I have had to leave the wheel to go below to stop sail-timer at critical times to regain use of the cockpit display.
Stop sail-timer from flipping.
Possibly provide a ‘show other tack/gype' button so the operator can view the alternative, or show it as an alternative (semi-transparent) line, or put in a delay after a tack/gybe before sending the new Stayline out to iNavX, so that the MacENC operator can do a quick tack/gype to see what the outcome would be without confusing the helmsman.

(6) Track log size
I keep a log of the year's cruise and publish it on my blog. But I am losing the earlier part and have to glue together earlier versions of saved logs using TextWrangler, which is tedious and error prone.
There is a maximum limit to the number of track points recorded before the oldest is over-written, but, with ever faster computers, this is unlikely to be a problem.
Please make the track point limit configurable via Preferences.

(7)Waypoint Management
It is now so easy and convenient to create waypoints or routes of waypoints that I am creating them routinely, just to get a good estimate of a passage distance. Especially with inland waterways I am accumulating large numbers of waypoints and routes. We need some way of dealing with ‘waypoint clutter'.
I do not want to delete these entirely, because I might, in future years, return to a cruising ground. I have considered the utility of archiving them off, but I can see a restore process could be complicated, especially dealing with the merger of duplicate or modified waypoints.
The Waypoint window provides a checkbox to allow waypoints to be hidden, but only one can be ticked/unticked at a time, and it is exceedingly tedious to do this for several hundred.
Provide Show all and Show none buttons in the Waypoints window to make the change for all waypoints in the selected group. Or make it show/hide all selected waypoints.
Better still, provide a Show tick-box against the list of Groups. This would allow easy management of waypoints by region.

(8) Navigating a route
When navigating a route, the natural information to view is the route tab of the Navigation window. However, to advance the waypoint requires opening the Routes window, clicking on the Next tab and then returning to the Navigation window.
Need next in route tab of navigation window to advance to the next waypoint.
Less important: It would also help if in the Routes window the active waypoint in the current route were flagged in some way (bold?). Then there would be visual confirmation when advancing the waypoint.

(9) Exporting track log
When I want to publish just the recent section of our cruise, I have to export whole file and edit it down. If I could export just a selected portion, that would be wonderful.
Please make it possible to export just the selected section of the track log.

(10) Chart zoom vs. create waypoint
Double-clicking on the chart will zoom in if in drag, select or annotate mode but will create a waypoint if in measure or move mode. I frequently accidentally create waypoints when I meant to zoom. I have clearly been in measure or move mode but I or my crew have forgotten to return to drag mode.
Please make this consistent. All modes provide for waypoint creation via the contextual menu, which is my method by habit. I think it would be better to make double-click zoom in all modes and leave waypoint creation to the contextual menu.

(11) Chart display
I like to centre the display using the position offset by course. However, I find the offset too big for my screen with the other windows taking space. Something important is usually hidden, despite rearranging the necessary windows depending on the direction of the course. I end up having to use no offset.
The amount of offset for the position display should be configurable via Preferences.

(12) Deleting Waypoints
I have sometimes deleted a waypoint when I only intended to remove it from a route.
Make it explicit which of these actions is about to happen, either by appropriate labels on the button Delete or Remove from Route and in the contextual, or introduce a dialogue box inviting choice between the two. If a waypoint is in the active route, the chart contextual menu should include Remove from Route.

(13) Route Integrity
If a waypoint is deleted and a route uses that waypoint, the route simply omits it, possibly diverting it across dangers such as rocks.
Either decline to delete a waypoint which is used in a route or display a choice dialogue stating that the waypoint is in use by the route and offering choices to cancel, delete anyway or goto the route list.
A waypoint may be in more than one route, so if the user chooses to delete it anyway, the dialogue box should then be displayed for the next route and only when the change to all routes has been confirmed should the waypoint be deleted. This is quite complicated, so it may be better just to require that the waypoint be removed from the routes first. It would be necessary to show which routes it is used by.

(14) Annotation deletion
It can be very difficult, and sometimes impossible, to pick up annotations for deletion.
A fix would be ideal.
Sometimes I create annotations in error by selecting the annotate mode instead of the measure mode. An undo last annotation would help.

(15) Connecting Actisense NMEA2000/USB interface
Fairly frequently, having prepared for a passage I then plug in the USB interface, only to discover I must quite MacENC and relaunch so that the interface gets initialised. Not a major problem, but irritating when needing to get under way.
When opening the GPS window, if no interface has been registered, try and initialise at this point.

(16) Copy position
I quite often need to record the position of something on the chart, such as when making a log entry or documenting something such as a chart correction report. I usually resort to entering annotation or measure mode, hovering over the spot and noting down the position. This is tedious and error prone.
Add a copy position item to the chart contextual menu, which should place the formatted position (e.g 48° 12.34'N 2° 54.214'W) as unformatted text onto the clipboard, from where it can be pasted into the log or other report.

(17) Route display
In the Route tab of the Navigation window it is possible to toggle the Time To Go column between incremental and accumulative. This is useful. But working out an ETA requires adding the actual current time – not great maths but a chore, especially if feeling unwell.
Cycle through a third choice of actual ETA at each waypoint.

- Jack Janos - June 14, 2013

How do you get the Mac in the nav station to talk to the iPad at the helm? I've tried the ad-hoc thing, but can't get the iPad at the helm to show anything, except iNavX independent of my Mac laptop running MacEnc.

- antipole - June 14, 2013

PS: Please reply if you are a MacENC user even if you are not willing to pay towards an enhancement - that is useful information too.

- antipole - June 14, 2013

Jack... have responded in a separate thread.

- macuser - June 14, 2013


I was thinking same things about MacENC.
Can be an "Upgrade".
I'm ready to pay and any help.


- mac4cat - June 18, 2013

I'am using MacENC since 4 years without problems. I would be ready to pay for an upgrade.
I sailed now about 30'000 Miles with MacENC even in Patagonia and long passages. I have also some requests about the software.
May be this could also be a project for Kickstarter.

Thank you for MacENC a great software with a lot of potential...


- JoMeKe - July 9, 2013

I also am willing to pay for upgrades. I love MacENC and actually prefer it in some ways to iNavX, though iNavX has many unique strengths too. Most importunely, I love the larger screen my 15" MacBook gives me over the iPad.

- vov - July 10, 2013

For my opinion:

1) auto switch of all registered charts
2) multi screen, or multi desktop - charts on one and other information on another. 15 inch it's ok, but still good to use Mac OS benefits
3) POI integration - as minimum ActiveCaptain or similar. The best feature if Navionics Mobile - Find marina within XX miles (with full information of course)

- gmonacelli - July 11, 2013

I am a MacENC user and would pay for an upgrade.

- shuby - July 18, 2013

I am a user and now becoming an installer as well. I am pushing my customers to use MacEnc. I would gladly pay for an upgrade.


- vov - July 18, 2013


would be good also:
- add "closed for navigation areas"

for example - underwater works, military operations and etc

it's good see it visual on charts - message usually include 4 coordinates and just need be visual

Quote:ZCZC RA95
162250 UTC JUL 13

R3'3-4:# 9, 5HE FOLLOWING ARE_(WGS 84):
40 44.500 N /012 50.800 E
40 14.500 N /014 21.500 E
39 55.700 N /015 00.400 E
39 55.860 N /014 34.400 E
40 44.500 N /012 50.800 E

- chrisray12 - August 1, 2013

I would pay for upgrade/mods. Would love to have a full feature radar overlay and would pay for this development and implementation.

- vov - August 1, 2013

pay for new version with major update?!!! Ready :-)

- JAM - August 1, 2013

Me too. Like to print chart with track overlayed as well.

- simmsdp - August 27, 2013

Hi Tony and All,
I agree whole heartedly that we need to get MacENC out of Maintenance mode. Now that the PC is in decline the Mac can shine. Wink

I have been sailing the Pacific coast of Mexico, Central America, Panama Canal and the western Caribbean for 3+ years with my MacBook Pro.

I would like to see these improvements:
1) AIS Closest position of Approach plotted on the chart.
2) A button to re-fresh the serial ports without having to close the program.


Salty Doug.

- skip - September 12, 2013

I was in shock over what PP said about MacENC...
I havent seen one better......... by a long shot.
I luv my MacENC!
Count me in on upgrade.

- bent3 - September 13, 2013

I've always had a Garmin / Raymarine chartplotter at my helm... moving on to a "new" boat and this one will rely solely on macenc / inavx. macenc is an awesome program with prompt product support. Raymarine and Garmin should take a page out of the mac enc book!

Only two suggestions -

1. full bi-directional integration with nmea 2000 autopilots. I'd like to be able to plot my route, hit "goto" on mac enc, press "nav" on the ap control head, and sit back as the boat steers itself. Bearing, TTG, distance to waypoint, ETA, etc would be great to see at the helm on iNavX.

2. The ability to display multiple chart windows at once - ie, one zoomed in and another zoomed out.

3. Low light mode in Mac ENC is good, but I like the "Time" functionality in GPSNavX a little better... the "dusk" setting is very good in low light at the helm.

Regarding #1, some of this functionality may exist as I haven't had a chance to fully test yet..

Also, please let me know if #2 is already possible.

I would absolutely be willing to pay for another version.


- vov - October 8, 2013

4 month without any reaction from author :-)

i'm very hope - he very busy working on new version
i'm ready to understand - if he sail with MacENC and test new version


- aguenther - October 21, 2013

I have got a problem with the information on the chartmanger. One got a list charts/numbers/roots and catalogues, but no chance of naming the sea zone, which is contained. I find this very frustrating. At least what the Encs are concerned. With Navionics it is much better.


- MagnusBq - October 24, 2013

I agree! I would definitely pay to keep new updates coming. I have used MacENC for years and is very happy with it.



- bluewater_ny - October 26, 2013

I'm using MacENC since 3 years, happy with it, and would pay for an upgrade if it has a number of new and useful features. To add to the list above:
- that should be an easy one: Save average speed and direction over the last timing interval since last saving a way point. Currently the software just records the last reading from the instrument without averaging.

- Eric Frank - October 31, 2013

Upgrade yes! I have been using first GPSNavX and then MacENC since 2005, iNavX only in the last year, but it is no substitute for MacENC. I like the bigger screens of the Mac laptops compared to the iPad.
Would definitely pay for an upgrade with some of the features mentioned. My own favorite would be to implement VPW, speed (True) parallel to the wind and to list this in the track window so it can be saved. This would help me learn optimum sailing angles for going up or down-wind, taking into account leeway and current (i.e. using COG and correcting the apparent wind direction relative to the boat to be relative to the COG.
Eric C&C 35 Mk2, 1972.

- Tranquila - November 25, 2013

I agree! I would definitely pay to keep new updates coming. I have used MacENC for years and is very happy with it.


- andrewvik - December 5, 2013

Yes, ready to pony up some more dough!

My biggest gripe:

I'll be sailing along with MacENC running. As I scroll and zoom into my destination harbor a few miles away, the harbor scale chart is drawn, but as soon as any chart is re-drawn, the view switches back to my current position.

To solve this, I have to disable VIEW POSITION CENTERED mode, involving a few clicks and scrolls. Only to reenable VIEW POSITION CENTERED mode when I'm done checking out the harbor.

There should simply be a single button (with keyboard shortcut) that re-centers you. VIEW POSITION CENTERED mode should be just be on all of the time, only disabled if one starts scrolling around.

These are raster charts I'm using, which is why the re-draw of the chart is necessary when zooming into a harbor-detail chart. You vector folks probably don't have this issue.


- GPSNavX - December 5, 2013

Regardless of the "View" menu setting, clicking on the drop down in the MacENC toolbar and select "Position" to have the chart scroll back to the GPS position.