Mac Mini installation aboard - Printable Version

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Mac Mini installation aboard - michelb - November 18, 2007

After a paper published in french “Voile magazine“ (issue #143) about digital navigation with a PC or a Chart plotter, I have posted to the magazine a response to draw attention also to GPS NavX, Mac ENC and their prefered host hardware, the Apple’s machines.
I am interested by all the informations to install a Mac Mini aboard, specially about power supply for the CPU and a inner comfortable LCD screen 17“ or 19“ because, execpt Carnetix solutions (designed for cars), I have not seen on this forum any detailed descriptions on such installations.
We plan to organize, near Marseille, for this sail magazine, a test of our prefered software with Francis FUSTIER, translator in french of GPSNaX and MacENC. If we could test a MacMini installation to complete a test with MacBook Pro, it will be very nice. Thanks for your contributions.


- cyberhusky - November 18, 2007


it's the second time that a French mag completely ignores the Mac and only states that times are long gone when MaxSea was still called MacSea and only available on Mac!

The actual German "Yacht" mag has a 1 page report about the Intel Macs onboard! But they just write Navigation software for Mac is nearly nonexistant, but thanks to Bootcamp Windows applications do run on our favorite computer!

I'm going to write a longer letter to the mag as it it the second time they state that there's no software and the one that is available isn't useful!


- GPSNavX - November 18, 2007

Thanks for letting the world know that YES there is Mac navigation software. In fact there is a whole host of marine applications for Mac OS X.

Here is a slick Mac Mini setup..