Bluetooth GPS? What else? - Printable Version

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- JackConnick - September 20, 2009

Just came off a 9 day cruise in PNW waters on my Islander 28 sailboat.

I have a set of Autohelm ST-50 instruments. Autopilot head is acting up and will get sent back to Raymarine soon.

My "old" Garmin GPS48 has been having weird initialization errors, has to "autolocate" fairly often, I think maybe there's a ROM battery that's dead or something. I really like it, as it's small, accurate, and has a sudo-plotter that at least shows me my relationship to my course as well as major marine markers. Totally waterproof, I have it mounted on the binacle. So I'll probably have it updated as well.

I have iNavx on my phone, and will upgrade to MacENC so that I can get a more accurate plot from the MacBook.

But I would like to be able to see my MacGPS/MacBook closer to the cockpit, and or just not have it tied down to the serial cable to the GPS. This winter I will probably also add an AIS system, and would like to tie the system together.

I was wondering about a Bluetooth GPS and/or a Bluetooth multiplexer to tie into my instruments? Need something small and low-cost, This isn't the Queen Mary, I need to keep it simple.


- GPSNavX - September 20, 2009

I use a Shipmodul BT Mux and it works great. Accepts NMEA data from GPS, Instruments and AIS, outputs NMEA data to Autopilot.

Once the NMEA data is into MacENC it is rebroadcast over an AdHoc WiFi network to iNavX running on iPod Touch or iPhone.

- JackConnick - September 20, 2009

Nice, but $532...