Full Version: Connecting HaiCom GPS to GPSNavX
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Luckily I found this excellent forum on the net as I just started using my Powerbook with GPSNavX. I got everything installed including the Maptech maps Big Grin
Everything was working fine until I bought a HAICOM HI-204E USB GPS and connected it to the Powerbook. I followed the instructions on the help page downloading the drivers and everything, and connected the GPS to the machine. Everything looked fine and I got the green light, and the satellites started to turn green as well - GREAT! Due to my location I only got 4 satellites at the time, but that should be sufficient to get a position fix, but no. Satellites are green, and the only message I get is: "No position data received from GPS within last 1.5 minutes"
My settings are:
Type: SiRF USB (tried the others as well with no luck)
Port: /dev/cu.usbserial
Rate: 4800
No LAT/LON /COG/SOG are showing, but INVALID - NO FIX is showing in red.
Are there anybody out there with the same problem that can help me? Do I need to install additional software for the GPS itself? (Only windows software is in the box).
Magica Wrote:Luckily I found this excellent forum on the net as I just started using my Powerbook with GPSNavX. I got everything installed including the Maptech maps Big Grin
Everything was working fine until I bought a HAICOM HI-204E USB GPS and connected it to the Powerbook. I followed the instructions on the help page downloading the drivers and everything, and connected the GPS to the machine. Everything looked fine and I got the green light, and the satellites started to turn green as well - GREAT! Due to my location I only got 4 satellites at the time, but that should be sufficient to get a position fix, but no. Satellites are green, and the only message I get is: "No position data received from GPS within last 1.5 minutes"
My settings are:
Type: SiRF USB (tried the others as well with no luck)
Port: /dev/cu.usbserial
Rate: 4800
No LAT/LON /COG/SOG are showing, but INVALID - NO FIX is showing in red.
Are there anybody out there with the same problem that can help me? Do I need to install additional software for the GPS itself? (Only windows software is in the box).
By the way, the UTC time updates correctly as soon as I get one satellite in the green, so I have communication on some data...
Please try placing the GPS antenna outside or near a window. When the satellite bars turn green and the status will change to "GPS-Auto-3D" then you will get a lat and lon displayed. You do not need to install any additional software.

[Image: anim_screengps.gif]
Thank you for your reply. It turned out that it took some time for the system to figure out my whereabouts. I left the system on overnight with the antenna outside and 4 satellites in the green. This morning I had a good fix and the system showed 3D.
Must say that the GPSNavX really outperforms my old MAPTECH system on my old windows system. I am looking forward to the sailing season here up north with my powerbook onboard.