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Title: Waypoint Groups
I am very pleased with the ability to group waypoints. When importing a waypoint file, automatically a group is created, called "Imported". I am happy with that as well.

If I import another file I would like to have that in a separate group. How can I do that?

Is it possible to change the name of this group "Imported"?

Single click on the Group name (and an edit field will display) and you can change its name just as you can any waypoint or route name. Basic OS X user interface consistent with Finder.

Scott Dillon
Sydney Australia
North Shore 38
To follow up, the "Imported" and "SailTimer" groups cannot have their name changed, but you can do this.

1) Create a new group with the "Add Group" button.

2) Single click on the new group name to change its name.

3) Drag the waypoints from the "Imported" group to the New group.

4) Delete the "Imported" group.

Deleting groups does not delete the waypoints. Only deleting waypoints in the "All" group will permanently delete waypoints.
Scott Dillon
Sydney Australia
North Shore 38
Sort of like importing and sorting photos into albums in iPhoto.
The group feature is modeled after Address Book groups which is also consistent with iPhoto albums, iTunes play lists, etc.

Scott Dillon
Sydney Australia
North Shore 38
Thanks for the answer. I understand the copy scenario with the Import group.


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