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Title: OSX Widgets
anyone spotted this one?

"About WindBuoy Widget:
A simple widget that displays wind data (speed, gust, direction) and air temperature from any of hundreds of NOAA wind buoys."

Hey, that's a nifty one. For us UK sailors, Channel Light Vessel is station 62103.

Thanks for the info. Now installed on my dashboard!

Couple of dashboard based questions...

1. Anyone know of a goof weather widget similar to the standard Apple one that displays predicted wind speed and direction?

2. My dashboard only updates internet content when you display it, which cantake up to 30 seconds. Is there a way of widgets auto-updating from the net in the background?
My Channel LV reading has got stuck. It hasn't updated sonce 07/02 @12 GMT. Anyones else's updating OK?

there are 3 new widgets which may be of interests:

iTide can be found

About iTide
This widget gives you the tide of the day for harbors all over the world. Displays hour and water height for high and low tide.

and another non related directly to sailing but usefull in ports in order to look for WIFI hotspots in order to retrieve weather/tides infos is

JiWire WiFi Hotspot Finder


About JiWire WiFi Hotspot Finder
Provides mobile Tiger users with a Dashboard widget to find public Wi-Fi networks around the world in one of two powerful ways: If your system has an AirPort card, you can see pertinent details and select available Wi-Fi networks within radio range. Or you can access JiWire’s complete Wi-Fi hotspot directory to locate free or paid hotspots near a specific address, within a desired country, state, and city, or within a specific ZIP code or postal code. You’ll also get direct access to each hotspot location’s connection options, area maps, and driving directions on JiWire’s web site.

With over 65,000 hotspots in 100 countries, JiWire puts the world’s largest hotspot directory at the fingertips of Mac OS X v10.4 Tiger users.

Radar in Motion

About Radar In Motion

A Dashboard widget that grabs radar images from the Weather Channel and displays the animation. One can access the radar for a given city or get a regional map. The widget has several options for displaying and updating the maps, including weather alerts and the ability to save maps for a specified period of time.

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