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Title: Feedback
I am so pleased with iNavX! Thank you.

A suggestion. When opening a chart, change the default scale to largest (view the most geographic area). For some charts with a large white border (see 14820, Lake Erie), the user now sees a blank white display when choosing that chart and could be confused that there is some problem which there isn't. Until the user scrolls around or changes the scale, all that is seen is white. I would like to see the ability to scale even larger but there is probably a performance issue with that.
iNavX 1.0.1 will have the charts open at the maximum zoomed out. Because iPhone limits views to a maximum of 1024 x 1024, only a small portion of a chart can be actually loaded at a time. So you are correct for that does limit how much one can zoom out.
Scott Dillon
Sydney Australia
North Shore 38
On Panbo site I just read that iNavX is available!
But only for the US users!

When will the rest of us have access to it?
I know there will be an international version, but when can we expect that?

Great work Rich!


Fortunately in the US, rasters charts are free to download and NOAA provides a server which iNavX can tap directly into. I will need to work with different agencies to see if they can provide chart servers. So far no luck in getting the agencies to do that.
Scott Dillon
Sydney Australia
North Shore 38
iNavX 1.0.2 which has yet to be submitted to Apple will support zooming 10% to 100% of the displayed chart. I expect iNavX 1.0.2 to be submitted 08/11/2008
Scott Dillon
Sydney Australia
North Shore 38
Sorry if this is FAQ material, I just purchased iNavX and I had a heck of a time authorizing it the transaction.

Then it downloaded it but said I wasn't authorized to use it on my computer?

Then when I went to authorize it, it said It was authorized on 2 of 5 allowed? Is that the iphone and my laptop?

Lastly, how do upgrades work? Will updates come through software update, or itunes, or??
Your questions are not iNavX specific, but more generic to iTunes media on your Mac and iPhone.

iTunes allows up to 5 Macs or PC use downloaded media (i.e. songs, movies, apps). So in iTunes you "authorize" a Mac or PC. Up to 5 can be authorized at any given time. I don't believe there is any limit to the number of iPods or iPhones one could sync with their Mac or PC.

App updates can come via iPhone or iTunes. In iTunes select "Applications" in the "Library" section. You will see icons for all your downloaded apps. Click "Check For Updates" button. If an update is available you can download it, then perform a sync.

iNavX is currently version 1.0.1

I expect iNavX 1.0.2 to be out late next week. When it is available I will post an update notice to this forum.

iNavX Help

Scott Dillon
Sydney Australia
North Shore 38
Here are some minor problems I'm experiencing with iNavX:

1) With NMEA over IP and MacENC configured (check boxes for GPS, AIS, Instruments, ticked on) I am only receiving water temperature and depth for instruments and no AIS information. I would like to receive wind data as well (I have a wind transducer and it displays in MacENC fine). I checked the setup for instruments and all the fields I want to see are turned on. For AIS, vessels on the same MacENC chart as what is on iNavX do not display (no vessels at all display). I receive all GPS and waypoint information flawlessly. Ticking "Processed" on/off has no effect.

2) This one is hard to explain. With the boat at the dock and the normal GPS COG jumping around and with Pos. Icon Kept Visible ticked on, the chart continuously moves around making it difficult to look at and is processor intensive. It is as if the chart wants to position itself so the position icon is just off center giving more chart real estate to the forward end of the position icon. When the boat is moving on a straight and steady course this is less of an issue but in light air and choppy conditions I can see this happening on the water. Can a threshold be built into iNavX that prevents the chart from bouncing around like described?

For #1 please email inavx@me.com a copy of your NMEA stream as captured from the MacENC Instruments panel Monitor drawer. From that we can sort why wind data is not showing up in iNavX.

#2 is expected to be resolved when Apple updates iPhone software to version 2.10 where COG and SOG will be provided by the iPhone and not have to be computed.
Scott Dillon
Sydney Australia
North Shore 38
A feature I found useful on StarMap (http://www.star-map.fr/) is when viewing the sky and when the iPhone is put in its wide orientation, the star map flips wide as expected and the menu bars at the top and bottom (now left and right) of the screen disappear. So, while in wide orientation, the only thing on the screen is the star map providing more viewing area. For iNavX, this would provide a useful, larger viewing area of a chart section without sacrificing the buttons and without toggling something on/off.

Working with a raster image such as a BSB chart, I don't know if this can be done efficiently.

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