September 4, 2017 09:20
These appear to be a an automatic response because it's identical other responses. It still doesn't address my issue.
I probably didn't explain my question clearly.
My concern is that Lat/Lon appears to be part of the name given a waypoint in the routes window. In the waypoint window the name doesn't add the Lat/Lon to the name I've given the waypoint.
Raymarine doesn't allow more than 16 characters in a name so when I see that the name display in the route window contains the Lat/Lon, I question if my naming of a waypoint (less than 16 characters) is what the waypoint is really named or has MacENC added the Lat/Lon to the name taking me way over 16 characters.
Again, the waypoint window is correctly displays what I've named the waypoint. The Routes window does not.
Please see the attached document on my first post.
Thank you
I probably didn't explain my question clearly.
My concern is that Lat/Lon appears to be part of the name given a waypoint in the routes window. In the waypoint window the name doesn't add the Lat/Lon to the name I've given the waypoint.
Raymarine doesn't allow more than 16 characters in a name so when I see that the name display in the route window contains the Lat/Lon, I question if my naming of a waypoint (less than 16 characters) is what the waypoint is really named or has MacENC added the Lat/Lon to the name taking me way over 16 characters.
Again, the waypoint window is correctly displays what I've named the waypoint. The Routes window does not.
Please see the attached document on my first post.
Thank you