April 3, 2007 14:37
seems like sailors have to fight against having paid for a digitised chart :to not being prevented from copying this info to another mac or pc; as often the use of a thumb drive or camera card is necessary between home and the vessel which can be 1000's of NM away due to being berthed say, in a more equatorial place for climate considerations, or just because a legal usage is for passage making.Sailors really make the decisions!We are out there often alone! Updates readily available are important , The rocks do not move usually, although Indian Ocean seismic events may make chart contour changes essential.Of more import to small boat sailors is weather info in realtime such is offered by grib.us and other providers.What continues to escape forecasters is the "local anomaly" which can be a huge thunderstorm or water spouts, all lethal to the small boat sailor, but caused by local topology, resulting in an alarming and dangerous weather phenomenon with huge seas. Sore point that all this local crap is unobservable in the macro scale of forecasting![color:darkblue][/color]