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Title: Toughbook
The August SSCA Newsletter has a note from a guy using a Panasonic Toughbook CF-08 on his boat. This looks way cool. It's a waterproof, shock proof dumb terminal that connects by WIFI to a computer running XP Pro. Basically it is a thin client that replicates the screen of the host computer with a battery-driven outdoor touchscreen. Sounds like the real thing. It's designed for outdoor construction sites and stuff like that.

Question: Any rich guys out there who want to try running it with Windows XP running on a virtual machine on a Mac? You could have MacENC, C-MAP, and Navionics all running in different windows. And you could explain to your wife how you were actually SAVING money by combining them all into one system. Maybe.

Big Grin

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Toughbook - by - September 6, 2007 19:34

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