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Title: New SR261 AIS
I am curious if the MacENC will send data from NEMA to the SR261 I have been following the posts on different forums <http://www.panbo.com/archives/2008/01/smart_radio_sr261_pirate_class_a_ais.html><http://groups.yahoo.com/group/SR261/>and if it would work with MacENC? The cost of a Class A is out of my range in cost but would like to be like the big ships and also let the fishing vessels who have a AIS receiver know that I am in the vicinity and my course and speed. Currently have a SR162 and I would not leave the dock without it.
Another thing maybe someone can tell me what is going on, once in a while it shows up AIS contacts in areas of the US and gives distances of 2785 miles. I was able to monitor all traffic going in and out of the Los Angeles area and also New England and New York. What is that all about? Is it getting the info from my connection to the internet or what? I know that I am not receiving a VHF signal that distance and it sure is not propagation because VHF signals are not like HF signals and are short distance. So where am I getting these AIS signals from? Maybe it is a setting that I have done in MacENC.
Any help would be appreciated.
"Always do right; it will gratify some people and astonish the rest." -- Mark Twain

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[No subject] - by - February 11, 2008 12:50
[No subject] - by - February 11, 2008 12:57
[No subject] - by - February 11, 2008 13:30

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