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Title: New SR261 AIS
As I think back, I now have figured where it came from I run a MacMini onboard and use internet sharing for use with my laptop and can carry my laptop around. I had been doing some research and had open <http://www.shinemicro.com/>and that is where it came from. And yes I did have the TCP/IP on to NEMA.

I don't plan on using the SR261 in the US but when I leave in June it sure would be nice to have. A few months ago there was an article in Sail Magazine about a sailboat that had been rundown by a cargo ship off Brazil. And I know that most cargo vessels don't have much of a watch while far at sea. That is why I bought the SR162 as a defense but I have always been taught that the best defense is a strong offense. And why not send a signal to them letting them know I am close by. But not spend $3,000+ dollars in doing so.
Thank you for your fast reply

Capt. Rich
"Always do right; it will gratify some people and astonish the rest." -- Mark Twain

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[No subject] - by - February 11, 2008 12:50
[No subject] - by - February 11, 2008 12:57
[No subject] - by - February 11, 2008 13:30

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