August 20, 2009 07:14
I'm new to using electronic charts, so struggling. I've installed PolarView 0.7.104 on my MacBook Pro under 10.4.11. Just using the world chart enlarged I can download and view GRIB files, so that's OK. I bought a 3 months licence for an ENC chart from Chartworld today "GB100011 - Scotland - West Coast", from a menu of S63 format UKHO charts. After downloading the folder I unzipped its two files to get two subfolders, including GB100011_DATA_9_16_2.ZIP.S63 Folder. I went to the Chart Manager and clicked Add Directory, and navigated to the folders containing the chart folders. I get " Chart Manager Error: unable to add cell GB100011.000".
Any suggestions? Gordon
Any suggestions? Gordon