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Title: AyeTides 1.71
AyeTides 1.71 is now available from the App Store. Fixes include:
  • [li]The Alphabetical list loads much faster.[/li]
    [li]Preferences have been reorganized into logical sections.[/li]
    [li]Added a preference to use the older, plain text view instead of the fancy graphics-laden text view.[/li]
    [li]Subordinate stations would sometimes use the wrong offset settings; this has been fixed.[/li]
    [li]Changing dates on the graph view keeps the day of the week visible.[/li]
    [li]Switching to/from GMT no longer changes the times by a minute or two.[/li]
    [li]Fixed a crash when you repeatedly clicked on the map on the Info view.[/li]
    [li](new feature) rotating the iPhone while in the various find station lists will now rotate the list so you can read more of the name.[/li]
    [li]Fixed a nasty unit-change bug that afflicted the graph view, to the point where the display was totally bogus.[/li]
    [li]Made the current (tidal stream) stations bold instead of italic in the various lists, to emphasis they are current stations and not tide stations.[/li]
    [li]Leaving AyeTides active while the iPhone sleeps overnight no longer removes the Date control when you wake the iPhone.[/li]

I'm working on v1.72 that fixes one bug when rotating the iPhone (but it's not a serious one), and adding more stations in New Zealand, possibly Japan, and Europe.


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[No subject] - by - September 15, 2009 10:43

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