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Title: MacWX - Weather on Demand for OS X
From the GPSNavX team comes...

MacWX gives access to thousands of OCENS WeatherNet products. Using the MacWX application you graphically select the specific weather data you want. The OCENS WeatherNet emails you with the timely weather products you have requested.

Categories of available OCENS WeatherNet products include:
* Buoy
* Graphical Buoy Charts
* GRIB (including Theyr High resolution)
* Ice
* Nexrad
* Ocean Charts
* Pro Services
* Satellite Imagery
* Text Forecasts
* Weather Charts (BuoyWeather.com)

High Resolution (1/12th of a degree) GRIB files (Surface Wind) can be used with both MacENC and GPSNavX. Other products can be displayed in the Preview application.

An OCENS WeatherNet subscription is $99 (includes MacWX for OS X). OCENS WeatherNet products are typically less than US$1.00.

More details here...

Scott Dillon
Sydney Australia
North Shore 38

Messages In This Thread
MacWX - Weather on Demand for OS X - by - January 13, 2006 13:30
[No subject] - by - January 19, 2006 15:48
[No subject] - by - January 19, 2006 17:49
Solved - by - January 21, 2006 02:39

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