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Title: GPS and AIS receiver in one
The Smart Radio SR162G AIS/GPS Receiver is about half the price of the one pictured.

I do like the all in one USB connection though.

Any thoughts on relative merits of

1) the original package that started this thread

2) the SR162G

3) A GPS 353 and Nasa engine combo from the GPSNavX store?

Messages In This Thread
GPS and AIS receiver in one - by - February 3, 2006 21:43
AIS - by - February 13, 2006 06:04
GPS and AIS receiver in one - by - February 13, 2006 06:37
GPS and AIS receiver in one - by - February 13, 2006 06:41
[No subject] - by - February 13, 2006 09:58
Re: GPS and AIS receiver in one - by - February 20, 2006 05:14
[No subject] - by - February 20, 2006 09:00
AIS GPS receiver antenna - by - February 21, 2006 05:36
[No subject] - by - February 21, 2006 18:03
GPS/AIS - by - February 21, 2006 20:56
[No subject] - by - February 21, 2006 21:53
All-in-One - by - February 21, 2006 22:43
[No subject] - by - February 21, 2006 22:58
[No subject] - by - February 22, 2006 05:19
[No subject] - by - March 3, 2006 10:50
Smart Radio SR162G AIS/GPS Receiver - by - March 6, 2006 06:14
[No subject] - by - March 6, 2006 10:22
GPS and AIS receiver in one - by - April 7, 2006 16:50
[No subject] - by - April 12, 2006 06:58
[No subject] - by - April 12, 2006 09:30
[No subject] - by - April 16, 2006 09:52

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