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Title: iNavX 3.0.0 available
iNavX 3.0.0 has been approved by Apple and should show up as a free update to all iNavX users on their device and iTunes.

iNavX 3.0.0 adds:

iPad support.
Portrait and Landscape orientation support (iPad only).
Selecting a row in the Instruments view will display real-time large display for selected data.
Navionics 2010 regions.
NV-Verlag 2010 regions.
Selecting the Disclosure button in the Routes table will select the route that is plotted on the Chart.
Selecting the Disclosure button in the Tracks table will scroll the Chart to the track.
Pos. Icon Size in "Chart" "Setup".
Loss of TCP/IP NMEA connection will display alert and sound buzzer if "Disconnect Alarm" enabled.
"+" and "-" keys on Chart zoom in and out of Navionics Charts.
"Guide" provides access to iNavX help website.

I am already hard at work on iNavX 3.0.1, but don't hesitate to post change requests here.
Scott Dillon
Sydney Australia
North Shore 38

Messages In This Thread
[No subject] - by - May 10, 2010 14:44
[No subject] - by - May 31, 2010 13:36
[No subject] - by - May 31, 2010 13:38
[No subject] - by - May 31, 2010 13:42
[No subject] - by - May 31, 2010 13:59
[No subject] - by - May 31, 2010 14:01

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