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Title: Comments after a 2 week journey using INavX daily
I'm using INavX on my 3GS IPad.
I have the East Navionics Charts loaded
Trip was from the Patomac River in VA to Bar Harbor, ME

Overall - I have favorable impressions of the product. I was able to load my routes through X-Traverse and pull grib files with relative ease.

I do have a few comments which might be helpful for those looking to use the software.

During planning, it was annoying that the page shifted (to my home in KY) while moving up and down the coast. This happens repeatedly.

I used the email my location each day. There needs to be a way to lock down the from address in future versions of the application - now it defaults to a certain address (maybe alphabetic) it happens to be my home internet acct and you can't send unless you are on their wired network.

Also - you can create a group to send the location to, you just have to go to the group and select every member individually. I'm guessing this is a week point in the iPad mail/contacts app and not a true issue with INavX.

The (+) in the To: field is too close to the "send" button for us who have less than pencil sized fingers. I wanted to add a new contact to the send list and the email screen would disappear to the queue for outbound mail.

I used the system as a backup for the onboard Raymarine Chartplotter and it worked nicely. Pages updated quickly - I downloaded the charts to the iPad.

I look forward to seeing additional developments on the product and feel I made a good choice in my purchase.



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[No subject] - by - July 16, 2010 13:17
[No subject] - by - July 16, 2010 14:44
[No subject] - by - July 17, 2010 12:58
[No subject] - by - August 2, 2010 00:16
[No subject] - by - August 2, 2010 07:03
[No subject] - by - August 2, 2010 07:22

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