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Title: Am thinking about selling Mac and migrating to a PC notebook
I just found this site... great idea.

I have a G4 Powerbook. I have really liked the computer. It is only about 1.5 years old. We use the G4 while living on board for internet access, we play lots of music (itunes) on the G4 and use it to manage our photos. Problem is, we are getting ready to go on an extended cruise and I am concerned about my ability to use the Mac for more cruising-related functions, such as SSB-linked email and weather gathering, as well as navigation. Until I found this site, I was unaware that it was even possible to get weather information or send emails via the HAM-SSB/Pactor w/ the Mac. From this site, it sounds like it is possible. My questions are...
1) Is it reliable?
2) Is it relatively easy (compared to PC-based communications, which I find sufficiently complex)?
3) Are we limited when using the Mac to having to utilize sites which charge $$$ for email & weather (my understanding (correct me if I am wrong... i may be) is that w/ a General Class Ham license & a PC we can use Winlink for email and numerous free sources for weatherfax & grib???)?
4) Are we limited when using the Mac in terms of the types of electronic charts that are supported? This is a real grey area for me... I understand rastor vs vector, but it sounds like there are many types of charts out there that cruisers regularly trade as they migrate from one charting area to another. By having a Mac, are we limiting ourselves in our ability to utilize different charting formats?
5) Will the Mac work w/ AIS? What navigation program that works w/ the Mac also will work w/ AIS?

For me, these are all important issues that I am grappling w/ as I decide which system I would like to cruise w/. I do really like the Mac, but I am willing to go to a PC if it offers some real advantages in these areas.

I would appreciate any comments or ideas you folks may have.


Messages In This Thread
Am thinking about selling Mac and migrating to a PC notebook - by - March 7, 2006 12:33
[No subject] - by - March 7, 2006 16:03
[No subject] - by - March 7, 2006 16:43
[No subject] - by - March 22, 2006 13:54
[No subject] - by - March 22, 2006 14:13
MacENC 3.20 might keep you from migrating - by - April 11, 2006 19:52

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