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Title: Optimal Tacking Routes on iPad - SailTimer
An iPad version of the "SailTimer" app is now available. SailTimer ™ is a quick and easy way to display the optimal tacking angles to get to your waypoint fastest.

GPS chartplotters do not give correct ETA for sailboats, since they do not account for the tacking distances. If they do not know the correct distances you will sail, how can they give a correct ETA? SailTimer solves this problem (patent pending), quickly showing you the optimal tacking angles and how long it will take to arrive.

The 3G version of the iPad contains a good-quality GPS receiver (which seems more sensitive than the iPhone's). You can buy it without the sim card to avoid data and subscription fees. SailTimer will also run on the wifi version of the iPad, although you need to enter your current location manually.

For seeing overlays of the optimal tacking headings on Google Maps, you need an internet connection (which means having an iPad with a sim card). But we are working on alternatives, and it is likely that there will be a future update to the app so that you can store hydrographic charts to see overlays of the optimal tacking routes without a live internet connection. But even without an internet connection on an iPhone or iPad 3G, you can still get optimal tacking angles and see a large speed and heading display in the app while under sail (as in screenshots 2, 3 & 4 below).

The iTunes link to the SailTimer app is at: www.IndepthNavigation.com along with some demo clips from YouTube showing how to use the app.

[image]http://www.TheSailingGPS.com/iPad/iPad-Laylines.jpg[/image] [image]http://www.TheSailingGPS.com/iPad/Speed.jpg[/image] [image]http://www.TheSailingGPS.com/iPad/TTD.jpg[/image] [image]http://www.TheSailingGPS.com/iPad/Options.jpg[/image]

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[No subject] - by - January 2, 2011 10:59

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