January 6, 2012 10:36
In response to Outstripp and GPS NavX,
as said above, the *.000 file is the main file.
If you receive a new update, ***.005 for example, the software will first look into your ENC directory, looking for *.000, *.001, *.002, 3 and 4, before installing the 5th update.
This is why you have to keep all the updates, as they make the ***.000 up to date .
as said above, the *.000 file is the main file.
If you receive a new update, ***.005 for example, the software will first look into your ENC directory, looking for *.000, *.001, *.002, 3 and 4, before installing the 5th update.
This is why you have to keep all the updates, as they make the ***.000 up to date .