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Title: 12V monitors?
I have a white plastic MacBook running Lion and MacENC etc. and at home an ageing iMac G5 stuck on Leopard.

I am planning to replace both and want to avoid being split across two machines. I am considering a MacBook with a solid state drive for reasons of speed, reliability with movement at sea and power efficiency. I am drawn to a MacBook Air with a Thunderbolt display at home. I tried this combination out in an Apple Store recently and it was excellent. I had the MacBook Air closed and a separate keyboard and trackpad. I was very impressed.

On board I would like to have a larger screen than my present 13" one. I have been looking at the possibility of a separate monitor. For power considerations I would want to avoid running a mains-powered one through an inverter . Does anyone have experience or suggestions regarding a 12V-powered monitor? The only ones I have located so far are actually 12V TVs and, as well as having lots of unwanted functionality (like tuners and storage for recording), the screen resolution in dots/inch is quite poor - I would just get a coarser enlarged copy of my screen, not more information.

In the absence of a separate monitor I would want to go for at least a 15" MacBook, which rules out an Air model for now. May be a larger screen Air will appear in due course.

Any thoughts, advice or experience would be welcome.


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[No subject] - by - March 6, 2012 23:13
[No subject] - by - March 7, 2012 01:40
[No subject] - by - April 2, 2012 15:48
[No subject] - by - April 7, 2012 08:17
[No subject] - by - April 8, 2012 05:57

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