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Title: Theyr High Resolution Weather
iNavX can overlay the marine chart with Theyr High Resolution Weather. Wind, Presure, Wave Height, Current, Precipitation Rate and Air/Sea Temperature forecasts are available.

1) Add the Theyr High Resolution subscription to an X-Traverse Account by clicking this link..


2) Launch iNavX.

3) Select "Preferences" "X-Traverse Account" and enter email and password for X-Traverse account.

4) Open a chart. If using a raster chart, choose one that covers a larger area.

5) Select "Forecast Tab".

6) Select "Theyr Weather Parameters".

7) Select the Region (i.e. North America).

8) Select the Mode (i.e. Wind Speed).

9) Select "Save" button.

10) Select "Chart" tab.

11) Use the arrow button to advance to next forecast or use the animate button to cycle through the forecasts.

12) To select a different Region or Mode or change the transparency select the button with the forecast date/time.

Note: An X-Traverse account with a Theyr High Resolution Weather subscription and an internet connection are required.

Screen shot showing forecast..

Scott Dillon
Sydney Australia
North Shore 38

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[No subject] - by GPSNavX - November 17, 2012 09:27

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