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Title: Captain's Log
Here's the answer to my request if Capt'n log will be ported to OS X:

But would like to help but my programming experience with Mac is Zero. I'm a Mac user for only 4-5 years now. Any help would be appreciated.



Thanks for your interest and question.

Captn's Log for Windows XP is developed using C# for .NET. As such it should in theory run on any machine that supports the .NET framework. I am not a Mac user and have never developed for the Mac so it is unlikely that I will port the program to that platform using native Mac tools. However if you are knowledgeable and adventurous there appears to be a .Net runtime available for the Mac OSX through the "Mono" project, but I am not sure how stable or popular it is, and in order for Captn's Log to be run there I would have to re-spin a version that didn't rely on the registry for it bootstrap information. Let me know how committed you are to trying that approach and I will investigate what it would take to build a version that *MIGHT* work. For now the easiest and best way to run Captn's Log on a Mac is by running it under a Windows emulator such as paralls.


Rich Urmston
VMG Software

Messages In This Thread
Captain's Log - by - August 31, 2006 07:43
[No subject] - by - August 31, 2006 08:53
[No subject] - by - August 31, 2006 11:53
[No subject] - by - September 1, 2006 11:36
[No subject] - by - September 1, 2006 14:11

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