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Title: Waterway Guide, Now available for iPhone
We here at WATERWAY GUIDE recognize boaters are depending more and more on their mobile devices for on-the-water information. What better resource than to have all of the information available in our Guides, literally at your fingertips, while underway, for pre-trip planning or just to fill in some down-time at the office. Our Mobile Guides will be divided into smaller regions, with each app giving boaters the ability to customize the amount of information needed for specific boating areas. Many features available only on mobile devices include the ability to instantly dial or email marinas, restaurants, service facilities, access web sites and much more, make these Mobile Guides the perfect boater's companion.


* Mile -by-mile navigational information and advice
* "Goin Ashore" features for your favorite towns, cities and ports
* "Skippers Handbook” of cruising essentials
* Updated and comprehensive information on Marinas, Bridges, and favorite anchorages
* Annually updated and with additional updates available daily on our companion website
* A guide to navigable inlets for offshore use

WATERWAY GUIDE is dedicated to providing our users with the up-to-date, detailed information they require to make their boating experience as pleasant and safe as possible. The integration of our print guides, Waterway Guide Mobile, and our extensive web site is one more step in providing that service, making Waterway Guide Mobile your indispensable cruising companion.

See the available apps Here .

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